July 27, 2014

Lake Powell 2014

Rhodes Family Reunion

      We love our Lake Powell Trips! This was my second time going to Lake Powell. Rocky (Shaun's Dad) is now calling this the Rhodes Family Reunion. We drove down to St. George Wednesday night right after school on Wednesday. We stayed at Rocky and Rachelles place. Shaun and I along with his brother Brandon and wife Katherine all rode down together. We fell asleep watching the show "Lie to Me." 

         The next morning we woke up early and started driving to Lake Powell! We arrived there and met Rocky and Rachelle along with Justin and Brianna and their two little daughters. We then unloaded and headed on our way to our beach spot. It was a nice boat ride! Once we got there we set up camp and then made some lunch. Then we went out for a ride. The boys played around on the tube and did some fun slow-mo videos. 

          After that we then headed back to camp and played around for a while on the Canoe that Justin brought. We managed to fit all 6 of us on the Canoe. We had fun tipping it several times. We even caught the video on Slow-Mo, which was pretty neat. 
The next morning Shaun and I went with Rocky and Rachelle and made a morning Ski and Wake-boarding run! I need to work on getting over the Wake! Shaun got hurt in the process, so we didn't go out after that. 

      As a family we decided to go for a ride up some slot canyons. It was quite the adventure. Brandon really enjoyed being up front guiding us away from the walls with the ore and Shaun and Rachelle in the back. It was all fun and games until a big storm was coming. Then we had to get out of the slot canyon as fast as we could. We managed to make it safe and sound back to our camps. Both Justin and Brandons tent had broken poles. Shaun and my tent managed to stay strong, (it is quite the tiny tent) So we spent sometime trying to take down some tents and cleaning up camp. We also had to go chasing after Justin's Canoe as it had blown quite a ways away from camp.


     The last day after we packed everything up and got Brianna and Justin's Family off the boat, we went back into the water for a Lake Powell "Bath."  I have to say at first I was really confused as to what that was, but later found out. We got back on the boat and found a spot. Then we all jumped into the water and washed our hair with Shampoo and conditioner. Then we were able to change in the boat into our normal clothes that we would ride home in. At first I was a little skeptical, however it was actually pretty nice and my hair was no longer in big tangles. We had some fun on the tube tackling each other. 

Sure love this guy! 

What a wonderful Vacation! I look forward to next year! 

July 21, 2014


Sunday was a beautiful day! I always love Sundays because I get to relax, and spend time all day with my husband. Shaun works 60 hour weeks and with me in school all week, the only time we see each other is at night time right before we both head to bed. Sunday we relaxed in the morning and then went to Church. All of the lessons were exactly what I needed to hear. I loved going to relief society, all the girls in there are incredible. We are all at different stages in life. Some have been married for a few months to a few years. Some girls are graduated with kids, others have children and are graduated. However we all share the common theme of a love for the gospel. The lessons are always very interactive and always have a very good discussion.

After church Shaun and I went home and made ourselves a Mexican dinner. We made some chicken and Mexican rice. Then after that Shaun and I both put on our new jackets that we got from Steep and Cheep! Grabbed Shaun’s New neon orange camelback (Also from Steep and Cheep) *That might be my new favorite website! We then hopped on the motorcycle and headed up Provo Canyon. It started raining which I absolutely love! I hardly get wet, because I was wearing my new rain resistant Jacket. Although Shaun and were both wearing shorts and so it did feel like needles going into my legs. Shaun and I then made it to Vivian Park.

There were Hispanics everywhere! They were having a BBQ party! It made me crave real Mexican food. We moved to a Ramada where there was a Hispanic family of three. We began writing thank you cards (Yes we are STILL working on our Thank you Cards from our wedding). While we were writing thank you cards the family asked us if we wanted Tacos. OF COURSE! Haha Mexican Tacos are only my FAVORITE food of all time! So we then ate Tacos de Chorizo and Watermelon. We sat and talked to them for a while. They have lived up here for 14 years. We talked to them for a long time. When the rain began to stop we quickly got our motorcycle and headed home. It made for a very peaceful Sunday. I love Utah!

Ogden Rodeo

July 19th, 2014
On Saturday Shaun and I decided to go to the Ogden Rodeo! I was really excited because I had never been to a Rodeo in my life! Shaun kept saying, “ How do you consider yourself a Country girl if you haven’t been to a rodeo? I think I am more country than you!”  So it was about an hour and a half drive. It was a beautiful drive, when we got there we parked a little bit away from the Rodeo, because it was pretty crowded. We then started walking on this Canal to the rodeo. It was absolutely beautiful, very green with lots of trees. There were some beautiful homes next to us on our walk. We then got there and got our seats. It was exciting, I loved seeing all the true Cow girls and Cow boys. I loved watching the Mutton Busters! The kids were holding on for dear life! They did a really good job. The barrel racing and rope tying was also really neat! It was nice being with Shaun doing something that he loves. I love learning new things and taking interest in activities that he enjoys. I love spending time with my husband :)