June 24, 2015

Idaho State

Last Wednesday my mom, Amie, and I all drove up to Idaho State to take our Dental Hygiene board exam. When we got to Idaho State Amie and I went to orientation. The campus was absolutely beautiful! After orientation Amie, Victor (My patient) my mom and I went out to eat and then we went to go and see the movie "inside out" it was the cutest little video!

After we got back from the movie not long after Shaun and my sweet Father in Law drove all the way up to Idaho State to make sure that Amie's patient arrived. After they dropped Amie's patient up they drove all the way back home. 

Wednesday night I didn't sleep at all. I kept having nightmares that I slept in till 9 when my exam was at 8:00am, so I missed my exam in my sleep. Needless to say I did not get any sleep. That morning of the exam 6/25/15 I woke up and Amie, Victor and I all went downstairs to eat the continental breakfast that they had. I could hardly eat my breakfast I was so nervous. Then we headed down to the school clinic at 7:15am. I waited patiently for my turn to go into the clinic. at 8:00am they let us in and I was able to set up my operatory.  I then quickly signed up for the chief examiner and then sent my patient back for check in. This is by far the worst part! You have to wait up to an HOUR to see if your patient was even accepted. At about 45 minutes after I sent my patient back he came back to me with the tray. 

My FIRST submission was accepted! This was INCREDIBLE! Everything else was a piece of cake! I had 2 hours to clean. I got him numb, I cleaned quad 3. So I gave the IA, Long buccal and a Mental injection and started cleaning. The calculus was coming off marvelous. He was a little sensitive in the anterior region so I just gave some more anesthesia there. I got done like 15 minutes early. I made sure he swished with a cold water bottle and I even had time to do the fluoride tray. I then sent him for check out! I cleaned up my operatory and set up for the afternoon board exam. Then I went to the waiting room where Amie and her patient were waiting. About 45 minutes after I had sent him back he came back to me with his instruments. The assistant then placed the envelope with my candidate number AB15 on it. I grabbed the envelope and then Amie said, " I know that you already passed! I can see the YELLOW paper." I then turned the other way and opened the envelope and inside was my GOLDEN TICKET! I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER!! I immediately hugged my patient! I wanted to scream but I couldn't because they told us to be quiet or they were going to make us go outside. 
I then called my husband and told him the news! I went outside after telling my mom that I passed. She was outside waiting for me with a bag of treats! It was so nice of her! I had to take the classic pose with my yellow/golden ticket! I couldn't have done with out my Heavenly Father. He has helped me through this and I am so grateful for him and all of his help. This gospel is SO True and Prayer works!! 

June 21, 2015

Park City

Friday night we arrived in Park city and stayed at a Cabin of a friend of the Rhodes Family. Friday morning I was at the clinic cleaning teeth. Shaun was with his Dad, Grandpa and his brother Brandon all went Golfing. Rachelle (Shaun's mom) picked me up from my house and we went and got our toes done. I love spending girl time with Rachelle. We then went and ran some errands before we headed up to the cabin. That night when we got to the cabin we made dinner and then played the game hand and foot. During the night Shaun had us all come outside and look at the Moon and Jupiter. It was a beautiful site! I love being in Nature and just not having to worry about anything. 


Saturday morning Shaun and I went for a 4-wheeling ride up the little Alexander Canyon. I love riding with Shaun although he does get a little crazy sometimes. I think that he forgets that he isn't the only person on the 4-wheeler. Utah is absolutely beautiful and I love exploring with my sweetheart. 

Shaun and I on the Four Wheeler.


In the afternoon we as a family rode up to the girls camp where Rocky helped build a bridge for Tanner Hale's Eagle Scout Project. We came up here last time that we came up to this cabin. It is an absolutely gorgeous view. 

We are standing below the zip line. 
Here is the bridge that Rocky built a few years ago. Utah is absolutely beautiful and I feel so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place and to adventure with my husband. I feel that Utah is my home and I am excited to continue exploring what beautiful nature is has to offer. 


This is Katherine my sister-in-law.

Brandon and Shaun skipping rocks in the lake. Boys will be boys and I love seeing the little kid in Shaun. 

Shaun trying to do a yoga pose of some sort, I love how goofy Shaun is.  I was legit scared he was going to fall off and that we were going to fall into the lake together. 

After we got back to the Cabin us 4 got on four wheelers to a place that Shaun and I had scouted out earlier. It was the perfect spot because there were no cabins around. 
                           I got to shoot Shauns 22, one of my favorite little guns that Shaun has. 

                             Shaun got dressed and then said, "Kaitlin can I wear this to Church?" 


We ended the trip by seeing a couple of Moose on the side of the road on the way to Church. This was a much needed RELAXING weekend before this next very busy week to come! 

June 14, 2015

Garretts Farewell

This weekend we headed down to Arizona again for my little brother Garrett's Mission Farewell. We spent our first night there as a family to go and see Jurassic World! I was rather impressed! I did not know what to expect, frankly I didn't even know if it was a sequel or not. As I had only seen the very first Jurassic Park as a kid. I was pleasantly surprised. Shaun told me several times during the movie to stop screaming :) It definitely kept me on my toes the entire movie. 
After the movie Shaun, Garrett, Mom, Dad and I had the opportunity to go and clean the Gilbert Temple. My old EFY counselor from 2008 invited us to come and clean. I had never cleaned the temple before. It was truly a humbling experience. At the beginning of the cleaning we all got dressed in these white scrubs and put on booties. We then had a prayer, song and a spiritual thought. It was all very organized, just as everything is. We then followed Jason to the 3rd floor. We each got assigned duties, whether it was to clean the bathroom, vacuum, dust, etc. My first job was to wipe down (disinfect) EVERY single door handle. At first I thought wow they are sure detailed. However as I began to think about it I was able to ponder how this relates to our very own lives. The lord is ANXIOUSLY awaiting to be involved in the most MINUTE details of our lives. He truly cares about every single thing! I love how he is truly there for us no matter what, and even though something might seem insignificant to us it has great importance to our Father in Heaven. I am truly thankful for the opportunity I had to help clean the temple. In reality it was helping shape me.
Kayleen, Scottlyn, and Courtney on my right
Saturday night we had a farewell party/BBQ for my little brother Garrett. My mom said that I could invite some friends over. It was a great time catching up with my Arizona friends who I only see every so often when I come down to Arizona. I am extremely grateful for the friendships that I have made. Kayla and I met in the 7th grade and Courtney and I met in the 10th grade. I love that we can always pick right back up where we started.

It was also Scott (Kayleen's) husbands 25th birthday so we made sure to celebrate his birthday with some cake! Scottlyn their little baby was having an absolute blast playing in the water.
This is my sweet husband, He always manages to make the funniest faces :) 
                  Sunday was Garrett's farewell talk. He did a wonderful job and even bore his testimony in Spanish at the end of his talk. I couldn't be more proud of him and am excited to see what adventures he is going to have and the people he is going to teach in Boston Massachusetts.

My cousin Julie also gave her farewell talk on Sunday. She is going to Iowa. He is a majority of the Gray family.


June 2, 2015

Arizona girls

Yesterday was a much needed day outside. Utah has been quite cold and rainy the past couple of weeks and then the sun decided to come out to play! Us Arizona girls were in much need of some Sunshine!  My friend Eryn from Arizona invited me to go to Seven Peaks, which is the waterpark here in Provo. We both had our Pass of all Passes and luckily mine was not expired. We went and laid out in the sun for a few hours tanning. It was a great time to talk and catch up. Eryn is going to Aruba on Friday with her husband for Vacation and then moving to California for the rest of the summer for an internship. Eryn and her husband Dominic will be back in the Fall for School. I look forward to many camping and hiking adventures when she returns.